Back to Online Marketing

Fifteen years ago I made my living selling ecommerce tools and creating tutorials on how to sell stuff on the internet with online marketing.

Several years ago I switched gears and turned my focus to 2D game development and making game tutorials.

A year and a half ago when I was diagnosed with cancer I pivoted and started poking at some things I loved, but never made time to do.

Six months ago I watched the documentary Muppet Guys Talking and felt SO homesick that I switched gears again and decided to focus on performing — one of the things I loved but had stopped doing. I even stopped all game development at that time, including stopping work on a new game development course I was ready to record.

Wrong Time To Be A Performer

The problem with a focus on performing right now is the whole pandemic thing — while there are people doing “Zoom shows” it’s been about 3 decades since I’ve done a solo show, and 2 decades since I’ve performed community theater and I don’t want to get my feet wet with a remote show. Too much new all at once.

So I’ve been writing scripts for different acts and coming up with ideas that I can perform once people start getting together again, and in playing around with different things, I came up with a product that I’m going to be selling online (it’s my first non-digital product). This means I need to put on my marketing hat once again.

This product — let’s just call it LSD since those are the initials — was spawned after reading a book and I’ve contacted the author and he’s interested in doing a deal. Don’t have details of what the deal will be, but he’s getting ready to do a rewrite of his book and suggested that maybe we could sell his book and my LSD together, etc. It’s something that’s in the works, anyway.

However, I’m also planning on selling LSD on my site and so I’ve been writing sales copy, putting together materials for a launch, writing email sequences, and so on. Seems like no matter how much you do, there’s always more to be done.

Explaining LSD

I’ll post something in the next day or so about LSD and I’ll even include some pictures. It’s a product that many people who know me wouldn’t expect me to sell, but I’ll give you my rational. (It’s like if a vegan was selling beef jerky…)

Anyway, the whole point of this post was that I’m going to be doing a bunch of marketing.


I’m actually looking forward to stretching those muscles again, and kind of excited to see if I can do the things necessary to get LSD out of the gate and making sales.

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