Yeehaw! Calling all article marketing aficionados!
If you use the Export to File feature in Article Architect to generate web pages from your articles you’re going to love this new feature…
…FTP upload.
Now when you Export the article you can also specify a web site to upload it to (you can set all your sites up inside a new section in the Preferences) and the article will be uploaded automatically.
Rocket science? Nope, just another way to cut a step out of another process to make article marketing even easier.
The easier and faster things are, the more inclined we are to do them. And now that the task of turning an article into a web page is so easy, there’s no excuse not to do it!
This new feature is in version 2.4 which will be released to current owners within a couple days.
[stk_aeshow code=”articlearchitect”]Jay – The Article Marketing Software Guy