Recently I split-tested an opt-in page to see whether a testimonial would help increase conversions.
Sidebar: In a nutshell, split-testing is when you split the traffic in two (or more) parts and send them to different web pages. Each one is typically the same with just a single difference. Then you keep track of which web page brings in the most sales or opt-ins and you know whether that difference is the one you should use going forward.
Most people might say a testimonial would help, but it’s always a good idea to test things so you know for yourself what’s true in your market.
In this case, yes, the testimonial helped — although that’s not what I think is the most interesting thing.
First, here are the stats:
Page without testimonial: 10.37% opt-in rate.
Page with testimonial: 14.40% opt-in rate.
Both pages were identical other than the testimonial and those numbers are after almost 100 opt-ins. So according to the test I get 4% more opt-ins with the testimonial than without. That’s settled, the testimonial stays in.
But here is what I found more interesting…
The testimonial I used wasn’t from Marlon Sanders, or Mike Filsaime, or Frank Kern, or anybody else who’s a “known big-wig” in the internet marketing scene.
It was from a guy that probably very few people in the internet marketing world have ever heard about. I don’t know that for a fact, but looking at his site and Googling him I think he’s a “nobody.”
I mean that in the sense of “name recognition in the IM world.” Using that definition most of us are also nobodies — I’m not belittling the guy or what he does.
My point is that you don’t have to have the backing of a “big name” marketer to make a difference. Even someone who’s basically unknown (a nobody) to your target market can make a positive impact if they like what you’re doing and publicly say so.
If you’re selling a product or service and Jane Doe says something nice about you, ask if you can use that quote in your marketing. They may not have a known name or a huge following, but their sincere words about your product or service can be the catalyst for changing prospects into buyers.
So thank you to that unnamed person and every other “nobody” who takes the time to speak up and say what you like — as you can see from the stats on this test you have the power to make a big difference, well-known or not.